Thursday, April 11, 2019

Just my side of the story

Hey you. I think you were right, this is some sort of a diary. Idk, I really love writing but somehow I can’t really write something useful or meaningful. Maybe I’m more to the narration type? You know, talking to you made me realized a lot of things. I thought I’m good enough, I thought I knew a lot, but little did I know that there’s still so much more to learn. I’m learning from you.
You’re slowly letting me into your world, sharing your beliefs, your ambitions, and your interests. You even listened to mine. Being with you, somehow, I felt comfortable even my heart was fluttering, and I like that.
Just now, I re-read some of my old posts. Somehow, it’s kindda embarrassing I really wish you didn’t read that, and even this. I just realized how bad my writing is and I probably shouldn’t write anything but I really like to write. Because I don’t know what to write, so I usually just shared my personal stories, even it’s not that interesting. You like to read, and you’d try to find the point in everything you read. I’m simply amazed by that. I love to read, but usually, I don’t really try to think beyond what’s written. I’d just put it aside after reading, but you’d find the meaning behind it and relate to yourself. That’s what makes you different. I think I should start finding the meaning behind and start to look beyond the surface. I wanted to be better, you made me wanted to be better.
Remember what you said? Don’t fall for someone just because you get each other, but fall because that person amazed you and made you wanted to be a better person. You amazed me, in every aspect that I couldn’t even imagine. There’s one post in this blog where I wrote how amazed I am about this one person and nobody can be compared to how amazing he is (or was). Well, I’ve found someone who’s amazing as he is, or probably even more amazing, and that’s you.
You were talking about this novel that you’re so into. So I asked if I could borrow so that I could read it, so that we can have something in common to talk about, so that I could know you more. You know, liking someone made you wanted to understand that person, do what he likes, have the same interests, and so on. Idk if I’m trying too hard, but I really don’t want to lose you. You don’t seem to like the idea of anyone borrowing your books, as you treasured them a lot, but you lent one of them to me today. Thank you. I know, it wasn’t the book that you gave me, it was your trust. I’ll treasure it well. But honestly, I’m scared.