Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Today was horrible, until it wasn’t

Actually, it wasn’t that horrible but definitely not good. So, I changed my shift to a bit later (10:30 AM until 7:00 PM) because of my assignment. I knew you’ll be working night shift today so I was kindda hoping to meet you after the discussion (for the assignment).
So supposedly, I’d be working with this akak for the evening shift but I got to know today that she changed her shift, so I was stuck with two guys whom I’d always wanted to avoid, for the evening. Like, literally only three of us. Just imagine how awkward it was. Luckily, I have lots of own works to do so I just kept myself busy but it felt like the longest hour ever, it was killing me. I didn’t talk at all and just sat there, staring at empty spaces, waiting for the clock to strike 7.
So after seven, I went to the inpatient pharmacy to discuss about the assignment. I knew you would come early, I don’t know how but I just knew. And I was right. Night shift started at 9:00 PM but you came in around 8:15 PM and you saw me, “eh, tak balik lagi? Buat apa rajin sangat ni”. I was shocked to see you, I wasn’t prepared that you’d come that early. I thought it’d be around 8:30 or so.
Then my friend started to tease us, and I just smiled. Idk, I just laugh it out but I’m afraid if it’d put you in awkward situation. But honestly, idk how to react. I’m glad that it doesn’t get awkward, not even a bit.
So after I was done with the discussion and was about to go home, I saw you were reading. So I started asking this and that. So we just naturally started talking and I started telling you about my flat tire, about the parking and idk, anything random that pop in my mind. Weirdly, you were happy to hear my story. I talked a lot and you were responding to it with a smile, and were laughing too. Seeing you smile like that, just made the whole day better. Amazing, right? Ten minutes with you just made my whole day felt great.
I’m in so much trouble.