Saturday, May 11, 2019

I Like Talking to You

For some reason, I’m scared that I disappointed you. I told you that I like to write and I actually can write. But what if I was wrong? What if I’m actually not a good writer? So let me try to write more generally instead of writing like I was talking to you.
Agree to disagree, well, that was our topic but we didn’t manage to finish our arguments so it kindda left me hanging. (Edit: we finished the arguments few days after so I guess you got my points even you’re kindda hard to talk through, you still listened. Another plus point for you)
What is actually meant by the term ‘agree to disagree’?
For you, it means ending the arguments so we’d stop fighting. You said that not everyone has the same opinion and it’s easier to just let it go. Everyone has different points of view and it depends on the person. You said, why do we need to argue on something when we can just settled with our own belief?
For me, it’s giving up. It means I’m right and you’re wrong, while from your side, you’re right and I’m wrong, so we agree to disagree each other’s opinions and the case is closed. I hated that.
Let me give you an example. Take the number 6 as example, I see the number 6, but you from the other side would see it as 9. Agree to disagree means I’d believe it is 6 and will never be 9, you’d believe it is 9 and will never be 6. So that’s it, no arguments and keep our beliefs to ourselves.
Why not, you could come next to me and look from my side, you’d see 6. And I could come to you and look from your side, I’d see 9 too. Why can’t we talk and understand from each perspectives? Everyone has different point of view, but why can’t we shared each other’s point? Wouldn’t that be easier for us to understand each other more? If we keep believing in our own beliefs and discarding other’s, then forever we won’t be on the same track. Forever, our conception can never meet. Won’t it left us with regrets? So, I strongly oppose the idea of agree to disagree.