Thursday, December 9, 2010

if you could see me now

hah novel nih best sangat sangat. aku rasa tak puas un baca. memang tip top terhebadd. meh sini aku cter sikit sinopsis novel terbaik yang penah aku baca nih:

ivan was a grown up man who works with the 'what IF' company. his job was simple, to make friends and become bestfriends. in this time, he needs to befriend with luke, a six year old boy who had been left by his mother and lived with his gnirob aunt, elizabeth. his mother, saoirse gave birth to him at the age of sixteen and of course, saoirse doesn't care much about luke. until then, ivan comes and starts playing with luke. but eventually, elizabeth couldn't see ivan so that she thinks luke had created an imaginary friend and of course, she was worried about it. time pass by and elizabeth first starts hearing ivan's voices and soon she could see him. just that she thinks ivan was a real person and everybody else can see him either. actually, ivan is not invisible because some could see him, just some doesn't want to believe in him so they couldn't see him. ivan teaches elizabeth a lot about life and to enjoy it instead of having all thing been prepared properly. elizabeth then starts to realize that she had been missing a lot since her mother left her without reason. ivan changes her in ways that she could ever have imagined. and then they fell in love but ivan realized that he had to leave elizabeth. TO BE CONTINUE

hah nak tau ending dy, beli buku itu and baca okay. act, sepatutnya ending sedeh tp story nih ending tak sedeh pun even ivan kena tinggalkan elizabeth. tapi ade jugak la part yang sedeh an.

p/s: aku tulis sendiri sinopsis nih so kalau salah harap maafkan :)